Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I think the Cancer might be Smarter.

I like it on the couch in Italy where I am going to be for 16 months which is also how far I am and I crave INTELLIGENCE!

    Okay, let's not be retarded. No one likes breast cancer and no one thinks that we should stop researching breast cancer. However, let's at least have a little class. Breast cancer is a terrible, life changing, debilitating and often fatal affliction. Are we really so base of a society that we are going to bring awareness to the mothers and sisters in our lives who have been stricken with this contagion with these ridiculous campaigns that they have been as of late?
     If you think that even ONE person was enlightened because you changed your status to "I like it on the couch" you are out of your blasted mind. Follow me on this logic train for a moment : The idea is clearly pointed at men, right? Because these guys who are so stupid that they are about to walk into your trap BUT smart enough to fall the proverbial trail of bread crumbs you are attempting to leave. So you're pervy, sex-addicted, trolling through women's Facebook status updates looking for something to start his party, Guy Friend happens upon your status. "Oh, my" he thinks to himself. "Janet likes it on the couch... BUT WAIT A MOMENT! Janet is a fine, upstanding young lady and she would never post such a thing!" Then (we'll call our friend Chet) Chet notices that several other seemingly upstanding young women have done the same. We assume that Chet, his mind glazed over in a sex-fueled haze, will break free from what he's thinking about (WHICH IS WHAT YOU PUT!) and now begin to research why they have typed this, then we hope that Chet magically floats past all the ridiculous posts that were put there by the women who started this,  to figure out that they are talking about their purses! Now, we hope that Chet, Mamma's little genius, who has decided to ditch the scummy robe and slippers has his slacks and has found his reading glasses. Chet has found that this campaign was a mere sleight of hand to get him to research something much more important - breast cancer. Now, the final (and surely the simplest!) step, we expect Chet to DO SOMETHING. I'm not sure what. Buy a bracelet, donate some money, cure cancer, the motives are unclear. In reality, the entire mission is unclear.
    Which is my problem with this entire operation. The motive, even the point is completely muddied and trampled by this farce of an advertising blitz. I do think everyone should be aware of the problem, for certain, but I think that trying to capitalize on sex to gain momentum - it just doesn't even make sense. Even if it wasn't morally and ethically wrong, you can't sexualize cancer. It doesn't work. You can't encourage me to donate but showing me a hot rack.
       An experiment : Grab any random guy off the street and yell "Breast Cancer" in his face. He'll probably give a grimace, step back and walk away scowling and irritated. Now, grab that same guy and yell, "Boobies" in his face. Now, he gets red in the face, probably giggles and looks away embarrassed. You see, I'm no neuroscientist but I'm certain that the part of our brain that thinks about the devastating effects of cancer and the part that likes "boobies" are completely different.
       So, go ahead. Make my favorite football players wear pink gloves and shoes and helmets. Go on TV and tell me (or better yet a WOMAN) to get a mammogram. Show me a woman with a bright future cut short, or show me a woman whose life was saved because of funding to a Breast Cancer Research group. But don't laden my Facebook with thinly veiled "places you like it" or "Where you're going to be for the next 16 months".

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